“My main mission is to reach people's hearts and to appeal to people’s emotions towards wildlife”

We only safe and protect what we love. That’s why it’s so important for us to understand that every animal plays a vital role in it’s eco system.

Marco Bügel

Photographer and Videographer

I am an ambitious Swiss photo- and videographer living in the very eastern part of our beautiful country, close to the Austrian and German border.

I am extremely passionate about wild animals, exotic places, and as an amateur herpetologist I am focused on reptiles and dangerously venomous snakes in specific. Which at the end of the day means, I love to be out in the field looking for all kind of animals: big and small, furry, scaly or feathered, with legs or legless ….. I could not care less ;-)

​I have always been very interested in photography & videography and all things involved, but it actually took me a long time, until I finally got invested in my first DSLR (NIKON D7200) many years back. With deepened technical & compositional skills my equipment professionalized, and although I feel there is no such thing as a one-fits-all solution to the diverse requirements different genres of photography or vieography ask for, I am very happy in the SONY Alpha full frame ecosystem since 2019. Currently my main stills setup is the SONY A1 with the A7RV as backup camera. For my 4K video jobs I usually use my SONY ZV-E1.

​The art of photo- and videography is my way to share the amazing and emotional moments I got to spend with wild animals in their natural habitats and beautiful remote landscapes. Nothing beats the natural behaviour of free roaming wild animals. That’s why we would never show any pictures or videos of animals caged in wild parks, zoo’s or from any of these “wildlife” photography workshops, where you can pay to photograph a specific animal in a specific setting or pose.

My main mission is to reach people's hearts and to appeal to people’s emotions towards wildlife. I want to inspire them to learn more about them and take action for wildlife conservation as well as against habitat destruction as one of the biggest threats. Based on the fact that my favorite animals are snakes, I guess it is not a huge surprise that the USA and Southern Africa, are my two favorite photographic and adventure playgrounds on planet earth :-)



Mobile +41 (0)77 267 33 76

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